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                                            5 Tips for choosing

                                           the Right Afternoon

                                           Activities for Your




With a great consideration of cost and child safety, the number and variety of afternoon activity choices can be overwhelming, Sometimes it’s difficult to know where to begin in choosing the right options. Here are five tips to help you choose the right activities for your child.


1. Identify your child’s interests

When researching after-school activities, start with your child’s interests. What subjects does she enjoy at school? What does she like to do outside of school? There may be a community class, school club, or team that directly or indirectly supports each interest. Your child may have ideas about what this is already, or she may not know the range of after-school options. Ask around—start with your child’s teacher or other parents. Sometimes, there are options to “try out” a class or club, for free or for a nominal fee. This can be a great way to gauge your child’s interest in person. Whether or not you’re able to try out an activity, involving your child as much as possible in the decision-making process will help give her ownership and agency over the decision—and may increase the possibility that she will enjoy the activity (this is not always the case, of course).


2. Consider your child’s strengths and weaknesses

After-school activities are great for both leaning strengths and overcoming weaknesses. The following are aspects to consider: your child’s academic abilities, social skills, behavioral skills, self-esteem, focus and attention, and gross and fine motor skills. You can also weigh different styles of learning—for instance, visual, aural, verbal, and physical—and whether your child does better with solitary or group activities. Again, it’s good to lean into your child’s strengths, and, if possible and desired, to participate in activities that will stretch your child’s skills.


3. Determine what you and your child hope to get out of the activity

When choosing an after-school activity, it’s important to identify what you and your child hope to gain. Examples include having fun, making new friends, building leadership skills, encouraging self-esteem, and providing exercise. This can help you narrow down a search for activities. Then, once you have a shorter list, consider what the process and end goals are for each activity, and if they match what you and your child are looking for. Don’t forget: It can sometimes be easy to see your child’s activities through your own expectations. It’s normal to have some mismatch between expectations and outcomes. But to lessen stress for your whole family, it’s important to keep in mind an action plan—a way to be open—when these mismatches occur.


4. Prioritize balance and time management

With so many options available, children can get overscheduled in terms of homework, after-school activities, and family time. Decide whether an after-school activity is great to do in conjunction with—or after—planning out a daily and weekly schedule for your family. Make sure the chosen activity/activities give your child enough time to complete homework and eat and rest well.


5. Review costs and time commitment

After-school activities range widely in terms of costs. They may also involve rental fees for instruments or sports equipment. What is realistic for your family? Consider the time commitment of the activity too. Don’t forget to factor in transportation—how to get your child to and from the activity. If you aren’t available, is there a trusted person who could help your child get to and from the location?


Whatever activities your child partakes in this year, encourage him toward both a range of activities over the years and depth in one activity, if possible. They may build an unexpected friendship, mentorship or discover an unexpected talent or interest. This may lead to a lifelong passion or future career option, and even if not, it will help your child develop social and emotional maturity. 

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